Can you post links in YouTube comments?

Can You Post Links in YouTube Comments?

You may be wondering – can you post links in YouTube comments? The answer is yes, you can! In this article, I will share how to post links in YouTube comments, why you might want to do this, as well as some frequently asked questions.

In this article, I also review how to avoid getting flagged for spam. You want to avoid this at all costs! One reason why you may want to post links in YouTube comments is to provide some additional information for viewers.

Is it helpful to post links in YouTube comments?

One reason why you may want to post links in YouTube comments is to provide some additional information for viewers. As an example, something that you could do is link to other videos that you’ve posted that relate to that particular topic. You could also link supplementary articles for your viewers if they would like to do additional research. Another idea for you is to link to your website – if you have a product or service that you would like to share, this is the perfect opportunity!

Does YouTube consider comments with links spam?

The short answer is no – if you genuinely post a link in a comment to one video with positive intent, this should not be flagged as spam. If you continuously post the same comment and spam multiple videos, you will be flagged as spam.

What does YouTube consider to be spam?

Continuing on the last section, there are a few things to keep in mind when considering spam classification on YouTube. According to YouTube, one thing that is considered spam is using keywords that are unrelated to a video’s content. Sharing irrelevant information on a video can be considered spam. 

Learn more here.

Is it worth it to add a link in a YouTube comment?

If you think that adding a link in a YouTube comment will help to provide additional information to your viewer, then it could be worth it! If you are planning to add a link in a YouTube comment that is unrelated to the YouTube video or spam, please don’t do this!

What is a substitute for posting links in YouTube comments?

One substitute or alternative for posting links in YouTube comments is to post a link in the description of your YouTube video. Something else that you could do is mention the link in your video as a call to action!

Does YouTube block or hide comments with links?

If your comment is not spam, YouTube should not hide or block your comment. If you are continuously posting the same link to multiple videos, there is a chance that it could be blocked since it will likely be considered spam.


Is it possible to add links in the YouTube description?

Yes! You can add a link in the description of a YouTube video.

How do I pin a link in YouTube comments?

To pin a comment, all you need to do is find the comment on your video, select the three dots on the right-hand side of the comment and select ‘pin.’

How do I block a URL in YouTube comments?

When you see a comment that you would like to block, select the three dots and then choose to either remove or report the comment or hide the user from your channel.

Alternatively, you can go to YouTube Studio, go down to Settings, and then select the community tab. You can then block certain words, users, and even block links.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I unable to post links in YouTube comments?

Anyone is able to post a link in a YouTube comment. If your comment is not showing up, the creator may have deleted the comment or it could have been marked as spam.

Why doesn’t YouTube allow me to post links in comments?

Read the previous answer.

Can YouTube hide comments on videos that include links?

YouTube may flag a comment that includes a link if it is viewed as spam.

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Morgan is a recognized video marketing expert and content creator. She also runs a video production company and has a passion for teaching all things video.